sexta-feira, 5 de fevereiro de 2010

Healthy Eating Habits

Observe the following image attentively:

Now comment briefly on it (these and other questions may be asked):

- What does the image represent?
- Why does this occur?
- Who is affected by this problem?
- Why do people worry about their body image?

This is the Latin-American food pyramid:

- What do you have to say about it?
- What for is a food pyramid needed?
- Do we have anything similar in Portugal?

Now observe the Portuguese food wheel:

- Why is there a wheel and not a pyramid in Portugal ?
- Which is the easiest to read? And the most informative?
- Which are the differences and the similarities between the two diets?

Now you are going to watch a video clip. Pay attention:

- What is the video clip about?
- Characterize the situation and the people that appear.
- What problems do these girls have to face?
- Which arguments do they keep listening to?
- How do they deal with the situation?Identify the situation described.
- Do most people deal with this problem the same way they do?

Match the parts of these statements that were taken from the clip:

1. I really don’t think
2. You’d be amazed to see
3. They let me know that I’m fat,
4. Just eat a little bit.
5. If I had a nickel for every time I hear “You’ve got such a pretty face”,
6. Are you anorexic?
7. Did you eat today?

a) I actually am.
b) like I didn’t before.
c) You should eat.
d) how free people feel to comment on what you eat.
e) Just eat a little less.
f) I’m at that point yet.
h) I’d be a billionaire.

terça-feira, 2 de fevereiro de 2010

Top 10 Worst Foods

Nowadays eating habits are a major concern for most teenagers.
If on one hand they know what they should eat to be fit and healthy, on the other hand being with their friends and consumening fast, cheap and tasty food is much more attractive.
They like to feel they belong to a group and eating out with their peers is a good way of feeling that, even if that means they have to consume unhealthier food.
This video is about the top ten worst foods, mainly in America. It is mostly a spoken video with very few images, but it is good for students to identify which the worst foods are and why they are that bad.
This is a good activity to improve listening, even if they may have problems with some words.

London - October 2009

Last October I went to London with my gymnastics group. We took part in The London Festival of Gymnastics, in Brentwood.

It was a very nice experience and I really enjoyed it as I could revisit London and see the changes that have occurred there in the last 10 years. I could also feel the unique ambience of the city and of the country.

It was great.

segunda-feira, 1 de fevereiro de 2010

As novas tecnologias e eu

Cada vez mais considero as novas tecnologias ferramentas indispensáveis na nossa vida, quer pessoal quer profissional.
Adiei o mais possível a aquisição do telemóvel, pois considerava-o um acessório e algo dispensável na minha vida. Hoje em dia tenho duas filhas adolescentes, uma com dezanove anos e outra com catorze, e o facto é que dificilmente imagino a vida sem ele, principalmente porque a mais velha está a estudar em Tomar.
O meu relacionamento com os computadores teve ium início mais pacífico, pois desde cedo que me apercebi das mais valias que a sua utilização poderia trazer para a minha vida profissional. Sempre o considerei um bom suporte e um bom recurso, mas reconheço que nem sempre rentabilizo as suas potencialidades da melhor forma.
A frequência desta formação relativa à Web.2 sem qualquer dúvida irá alterar a minha prática lectiva.
Esperemos para ver.